Tuesday, November 21, 2017



On behalf of Commanding Officer 1RAR and the President of the 1RAR Association, welcome to the beginning of the Registration Process for the Coral 50th Commemorations - known as 1RAR Coral50 Week.
CO 1RAR wrote to all Coral Veterans almost 3 months ago. This email has been sent to all who pre-registered interest in attending the 15-18 May 2018 Coral Week and to all who are members of the 1RAR Association. If you know of someone who may not have received this email invitation please forward it to them and encourage widest distribution. This email is also on the Association Website so you can find the references without having to dig up this email again, just go to www.1rar.asn.au and hit the Coral50 button at the top of the page. 
Our Coral Veterans are assembling in May next year in Townsville and ensure the battle is commemorated properly and, to help them appreciate their place in our Battalion's history, we want as many of those who have served in the Big Blue One, or with her on operations, to gather to honour our Coral Veterans and participate in a magnificent week of commemorations, reunions and celebrations. The program is spectacular. Note the significance of the 1RAR Colours parade - the colours have only been replaced once since the Battle of FSPB Coral.
With six months to go, we have received over 250 pre-registrations of intent to attend on the 1 RAR Association Website. Many of them will have taken advantage of the hotels specials listed on the Association website - its not too late they are all still available! As you register for this event, you can see who else is coming! We need to do some work on rations, transport and access to the Barracks so registration closes on 1 March 2018.  Please read the instructions carefully so your payment (if required) is credited correctly. 
We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to welcoming you to Coral Lines in Lavarack Barracks, Townsville in May 2018.
Duty First,
Administration Team comprised 1RAR and the 1RAR Association