Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Last Post : Private Dal Edward Abbott
The link above will take you to a video of the Last Post Ceremony for Dal Abbott at The Australian War Memorial

Birth: Sep. 23, 1946
New South Wales, Australia
Death: May 30, 1968, Vietnam

2782017 Private Dal Edward Abbott
Killed in Action Fire Support Base Coral/Balmoral
30th May 1968 Age 21.

At around 8am on 30th May '68, 7 Platoon and 8 Platoon were approaching a well dug in enemy (NVA) bunker system in very thick secondary jungle when all hell broke loose with both Platoons pinned down by withering machine gun and RPG rocket fire. Dal Abbott was the Gun No2 in 3 Section 7 Platoon and it was his job to provide protection to the Gunner, to feed new belt ammo into the MG and assist with any stoppages The machine gunner, Pte Bob McLean, had a stoppage soon after commencing to fire a second ammo belt Bob was having trouble clearing the stoppage when Dal tried to help but when Dal raised his head to fix the problem he received several rounds to the head and was killed instantly alongside Bob.
"The enemy had the advantage and were moving to encircle C Coy. Meanwhile the remainder of C Coy was trying to extricate the two lead Platoons under fire. The timely arrival of some welcome Tanks from the FSB Coral eventually turned the battle around and Dal's body was able to be recovered.

2782017 PRIVATE
30TH MAY 1968 AGE 21

Note: Dal Abbott's name has now been added to the ROLL of HONOUR in the Australian War Memorial - LEST WE FORGET
Terendak Military Cemetery
Melaka, Malaysia